[Best Solutions] Why Won’t My Phone Play Videos?

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  • Post category:Android
  • Post last modified:January 19, 2022
  • Reading time:7 mins read
You are currently viewing [Best Solutions] Why Won’t My Phone Play Videos?

If you’re like most people, you use your smartphone to watch videos. Maybe it’s a clip from your favorite TV show or a movie trailer. But what do you do if your phone won’t play videos? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we’ll explain why your phone might not be playing videos and how to fix the problem. Keep reading for more information!

These are the reasons and solutions to the problem why won’t your phone play videos. These all the information will help to find the problem and help to solve the solutions.

1: Technical support

If your phone is having technical issues, then it will most likely not allow you to play videos or even turn them on. This can be fixed by taking the phone to a phone store, or by calling customer service.

2: Storage space

If your phone is almost full and you’re trying to watch a video on it, then it won’t play the video because there’s not enough storage space left. You can solve this problem by deleting some of the apps that you don’t use anymore or by using an SD card to increase phone memory.

Another way to fix this is by deleting videos from your phone and watching them online instead. This will free up phone memory and allow you to watch videos successfully. Although this does require Internet access, which not everyone has in their homes.

3: The video is too large for the phone screen

This is also sometimes known as ‘screen size’. If the phone is too small for the video, then it will not play. One solution to this problem would be to use an SD card to increase phone memory and allow a larger video size.

A second solution would be to watch videos using another device such as a phone or tablet, which has a larger screen allowing you to fit a large-sized video onto it.

4: Outdated phone model

There are many phone models available today, and some of them may not support playing videos online or offline. You can check your phone’s model number by going into your phone settings and looking under ‘about phone’. If you have an outdated phone model, then you probably won’t be able to find any apps that allow you to watch videos on it.

In this case, your phone is no longer supported by the developers who produce apps. In other words, there are no phone apps available for your outdated phone model. However, as mentioned before, you can watch videos online as long as you have Internet access or play them using another phone or tablet that has a larger screen and a more updated model.

5: The phone is overheating

If your phone overheats while trying to play a video, then it may not allow the video to play because of safety reasons. This usually happens when other applications are running in the background too. To fix this problem, make sure only one application is running at a time and shut down unnecessary ones from the phone’s settings.

In some cases, phone apps can also cause phone overheating. In this case, try to restart the phone and turn off the phone app before trying to watch a video again.

6: Phone needs updating

If your phone needs an update, it is usually because of one of two reasons: either the phone’s software updates have yet to be installed or the phone is running very old software which has not been updated in a long time. In most cases, phone manufacturers release updates that contain bug fixes and improvements on hardware together with new features for the company’s existing devices. These updates are necessary for your phone to perform its best and they aren’t only released as major upgrades every several years anymore – phone companies have started pushing phone updates more often to keep up with the latest phone technologies and to give phone users a better experience.

If you have not yet received any phone update, then your phone is probably running on very old software. In order to fix this problem, connect your phone to a phone charging source and get it updated as soon as possible.

In some cases, phone apps can also cause phone overheating. In this case, try restarting the phone and turning off the phone app before trying to watch a video again.

7: Phone needs battery replacement

This is usually because of an old phone battery that has run out of charge or because the battery is faulty due to overcharging or other reasons too. This requires getting a new phone battery or phone charging source.

In order to fix this problem, first, try connecting your phone to a phone charging source and see if it works. If not, then get a new phone battery. It will allow the phone to play videos properly again until you have saved up enough money for a replacement phone.

Another solution would be to watch videos using another device such as a phone or tablet, which has a larger screen allowing you to fit a large-sized video onto it.

8: Video is corrupted

This usually happens when the video file either gets deleted partially (due to running out of phone storage space for example), broken due to an error (which will stop your phone from playing the video), or altered by a phone virus (which makes phone unable to play any video).

In order to fix this problem, make sure your phone has enough phone storage space to fit the video. If there is not enough phone storage space, then try deleting unnecessary phone files which are taking up phone storage space.

If the damage is permanent due to an error when playing videos, then try obtaining another copy of the video file. If that fails, then either get a phone update or look for apps that allow you to watch videos offline using other devices such as tablets or laptops. [Article end]


So, what do you do if your phone isn’t playing videos? The first step is to check and see if there are any technical problems with your device or the website you’re trying to watch the video on. If everything appears to be working properly, it’s possible that your video has been corrupted and needs to be repaired. In either case, we’re here to help. Our team of experts can troubleshoot the issue and get your videos up and running in no time. Contact us for more information.

Muhammad Waqar

I started muhammadwaqar.com to help bloggers and content creators. They teach you the ins and outs of digital marketing so that you can make money from your blog or content creation without any struggle at all!