Why Does My Phone Sound Muffled?

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  • Post category:Gaming
  • Post last modified:January 25, 2022
  • Reading time:7 mins read
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If you’ve been experiencing a muffled sound on your phone, you’re not alone. Many people have noticed this issue and there are several potential causes. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the possible reasons why your phone might be sounding muffled and what you can do to fix it. Stay tuned!

Have you ever been playing a phone game, or on a phone call, and the sound was muffled? A phone’s speaker needs to be free of any obstruction in order for the sound to come out clearly. This blog post will outline three tips that will help your phone amplify its speaker.

Speaker Covered

The first issue comes when trying to get phone sounds to be heard more; you can get your phone’s speaker fixed by applying some tape. What you will want to do is get a piece of tape and roll it into a tube shape. Once this has been done, apply the phone’s microphone to the outside of the rolled-up piece of tape so that sound will travel through the gap in between them.

Phone Sound Muffled

Water Damage On Your

The second issue is phone sounds become muffled when there is water damage on your phone itself. A phone with water damage will not come back to life unless it has had all internal components replaced or repaired. This can be costly but if unrepaired, then phone sounds will never be able to be amplified through loudspeakers again.     

Phone Sound Muffled

Phone Memory Overload

The third example where phone sounds become muffled is due to phone memory overload. When phone memory becomes too full the phone will not be able to store as many phone sounds as it should; this leads phone sounds to become inaccessible and leads phone speakers into a muffled state. The best solution for this issue is by upgrading your phone space by purchasing an external hard drive or deleting apps that you don’t use.

How to fix a Phone Speaker not Working?

If your phone sound is muffled/mute you have to need to fix it. Following the following steps will help you to solve your problem.

 Restart your phone

Before trying anything else, try restarting your phone to see if that helps with the phone’s speaker sound.

 Switch phone audio output

 If phone audio isn’t working, try switching phone audio output. To do this, click on your phone’s settings and go to the section that says phone or sounds. Once there, change phone audio output from your phone speakers to a Bluetooth speaker or headphones.

Checking the sound Balance

 If phone audio still doesn’t seem right, try adjusting phone speakers to the highest volume. If phone audio seems muffled at high volume, phone speakers may need to be balanced. The phone’s phone software should have a setting for phone audio under phone settings. This can be set to phone speakers or phone balance. A phone audio balance will redistribute the phone sounds input to phone speakers so that it can be heard clearly.

Speaker Settings

 If phone audio is still not working, phone speakers may need to be checked. First of all, phone speakers need to be free of any obstructions. If phone speakers are covered, phone audio will not come out clearly. The phone’s phone software should have a setting for phone audio under phone settings. This can be set to phone speakers or phone balance. A phone audio balance will redistribute the phone sounds input to phone speakers so that it can be heard clearly. If phone audio is still not working, phone speakers may need to be replaced with new phone speakers that are compatible with your phone’s model.

Cleaning Your Phone Speaker

 If phone speakers are not covered and phone sound is still muffled, phone speakers may need to be cleaned. The phone’s phone software should have a setting for phone audio under phone settings. This can be set to phone speakers or phone balance. A phone audio balance will redistribute the phone sounds input to phone speakers so that it can be heard clearly. If phone audio is still muffled, phone speakers may need to be replaced with new phone speakers that are compatible with your phone’s model. Search for replacement phone parts on Amazon here: http://amzn.to/1SDPc5v

Water Insertion? Let It Dry Out

 If phone speakers are not covered and phone sound is still muffled, phone speakers may need to be cleaned. The phone’s phone software should have a setting for phone audio under phone settings. This can be set to phone speakers or phone balance. A phone audio balance will redistribute the phone sounds input to phone speakers so that it can be heard clearly. If phone audio is still muffled, phone speakers may need to be replaced with new phone speakers that are compatible with your phone’s model.

Tidying up the speakerphone

 If phone speakers are not covered and phone sound is still muffled, phone speakers may need to be cleaned. The phone’s phone software should have a setting for phone audio under phone settings. This can be set to phone speakers or phone balance. A phone audio balance will redistribute the phone sounds input to phone speakers so that it can be heard clearly. If phone audio is still muffled, phone speakers may need to be replaced with new phone speakers that are compatible with your phone’s model.


So what’s the deal with this muffled sound? There are a few potential explanations, and we’ll explore each of them in turn. If you’re having this problem, it’s worth trying some of the solutions we suggest to see if they work for you. Keep in mind that these tips might not work for everyone or every phone, so don’t be discouraged if one doesn’t do the trick. Stay tuned for our final suggestion on how to fix this pesky issue!

Muhammad Waqar

I started muhammadwaqar.com to help bloggers and content creators. They teach you the ins and outs of digital marketing so that you can make money from your blog or content creation without any struggle at all!