Easy Steps to Fix Your MacBook Pro Speaker Noises!

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If you’ve been paying attention, then chances are that you have witnessed the screech emanating from your MacBook Pro speakers. Yep – it’s quite loud!

Don’t fret! You don’t need to purchase an entirely new device or seek assistance from Apple. I’ll provide you with simple methods on how to silence those annoying sounds!

Step 1: Check out if the noise is coming from the speaker itself

If the problem lies within the speaker itself, then you may need to procure a replacement. If this isn’t an option for you, consider swapping out one component at a time.

To gain further insight into what’s causing your loud shrieky sound on your MacBook, take a closer look at its components. Start with inspecting any exposed screws and try applying force – if they yield with minimal resistance, it could be an indication that something is off; however, if they come right off without much effort put forth then it might indicate that something is amiss with its internal components.

Step 2: Open System Preferences to Change Your Speakers’ Audio Output Device

The System Preferences app is where you can configure the audio output settings of your device. To access it, simply click on its icon from the Applications folder and select it from the list.

From here, locate the Sound heading and select Playback Settings. Make sure that your MacBook Pro’s speakers are selected as the default playback device; if not, then ensure this setting is correct before proceeding further with this article!

Next up is the Power Management tab. If you notice that you’re getting static or other noises when turning off your computer, this step will assist in eliminating them. By enabling the ‘Use Low-power modes’ option under ‘Sleep,’ our solution will help save power while also reducing any related noise!

Step 3: Check Whether You Have a High-Frequency Frequency Response Problem

If your MacBook Pro is exhibiting unwanted audio-related noises, it’s time to investigate the cause of these disorders. If you are hearing a screeching sound coming from the speakers, this could be indicative of several issues with the device such as:

  • Loose connections between cables or internal components
  • Damaged cables or other faulty parts
  • Inadequate shielding on a speaker enclosure – which can lead to signal loss and distortion in the final output

Step 4: Switch to Another Speaker Setting (Speaker Type

The final action is to change the speaker setting. But note that this can be altered on the System Preferences screen only if you are using a desktop or laptop; it cannot be accessed from an iOS device unless via its headphone jack!

Open System Preferences on your Mac and click the Sounds option. Select the Speakers tab and make any adjustments required before clicking Done to save them – even if you’re a long-time user!

At this point, I usually switch over to listening exclusively through my MacBook Pro’s built-in speakers.


When it comes to the location of your MacBook Pro speakers, there are two distinct schools of thought.

Are you an advocate for keeping your Mac as far away from your ears as possible? You should be! These settings can make all the difference in making sure that you have crystal-clear sound no matter where you choose to place the laptop on your desk – whether that’s close or at a distance. Experiment with different placements until you find what works best for you.


If your MacBook Pro is prone to making that ‘screech’ noise, it may not necessarily be an indication of how loud the speaker’s output is. Although this phenomenon does reveal some concerning truths when it comes to top audio quality on a laptop:

To maintain uniform volume levels on all your speakers, you can utilize the function key “Volume Up” to increase or decrease their output; while those seeking a richer sound experience can employ the button labeled “Volume Down” to alter theirs. Alternatively – if it’s detected that your sound is either too quiet or rather excessive – clicking the knob situated alongside the power button can swiftly remedy things!

Step 5: Switch Off External Speakers

If you have an external speaker attached to your MacBook Pro, it’s highly likely that the audio output from these devices will adversely affect the sound inside the laptop. To mitigate this issue, simply disconnect them from their port.

If you decide to use any microphone or other auxiliary input device in tandem with a speaker, ensure that both are set up on the same channel.

If You Have Them

Sure, if you’re a power user and have amassed an impressive collection of files on your hard drive, storage limitations may arise. However, even the most hardcore enthusiast can still partake in simple tasks such as surfing the web or watching a movie without any problem!

If your MacBook Pro speakers are making too much noise for your liking, there is a solution: de-tune them! Before embarking upon this endeavor, be sure to note the following procedure:

Make certain that your computer’s volume limit hasn’t been reached. If it has been surpassed and all attempts at reducing it have failed – leave it be! The purpose of this endeavor is not to fix any issues related to its sound quality; rather than silence screeching tones this is intended purely as an aid towards achieving a more tranquil atmosphere within one’s working environment. Why? Because when listening back to audio recordings after their creation process is complete – that’s when life can get quite hectic!

And That’s It!

Indeed, no more screeching! Let’s examine the remaining steps to ensure that your MacBook Pro is as pleasant to utilize as ever.

  • First, we must determine if the sound volume should be increased or decreased.
  • Observe how loud you perceive the noise in your environment – can you hear it even when it’s quiet? If so, then this could mean that something within earshot is emitting an unpleasant sound.
  • Thus, raising the volume will allow it to be heard without difficulty. Alternatively, if it seems quieter than before; then chances are that a portion of your setup may require attention!


Your MacBook Pro’s speaker is a crucial component for the device’s audio output, so if it’s making an unusual noise it could be due to a damaged speaker.

To rectify this predicament, you can utilize the steps outlined in this article to silence your screeching MacBook Pro!