Discover the Ultimate Hack to Fix a Mouse that Stops Moving!

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The moment your mouse ceases to move, you know that it’s a sign of distress. A frozen mouse can be an absolute bummer – not only does it mean you’ll have to spend extra time in the kitchen; but also that certain meals may never get tasted!

The problem is that mice are not cheap to replace, so it’s essential to find a speedy solution. Here’s what you need to know about fixing those frozen mice…

1. Gather Your Tools and Materials

If you are utilizing a dead mouse for emergency purposes, there are some simple steps that you can take to revive it.

  • First off, we’ll be seeking out our supplies – a clear plastic food storage container, such as a half-gallon size.
  • For convenience purposes later on in the process we will also need a label so that it is less conspicuous if anyone should spot our rodent amongst their belongings!
  • Finally, let’s find a mouse trap – no need for concern about getting one that is too large for our pet; just ensure it’s suitable before proceeding any further!

2. Clean the Mouse’s Nub

Your mouse nub is encased in a soft, spongy material known as the membrane. To keep your device functioning properly, this sensitive area needs to remain free of dust or debris.

To eliminate any extraneous matter from around your nub, simply saturate a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol and carefully rub it against the area until all traces of accumulated grime are removed.

After thoroughly washing away any residual juices and grime, let it air dry before administering the final treatment by rubbing on a thin layer of petroleum jelly to seal up any cracks or crevices preventing optimal contact with the parts underneath.

3. Dry It Off and Check for Dirt

Finally, don’t forget to give the mouse an inspection from head to toe to ensure that there aren’t any traces of grit or dirt adhering to its fur. If so, simply utilize a blower-style vacuum such as one provided by your local hardware store to remove all traces of dust and debris before proceeding with steps 4 – 6 below.

Ultimately, if you detect anything amiss or compromising upon further inspection when handling your mouse, then feel free to contact customer support for assistance!

4. Remove a Nub from Another Mouse

To fix a mouse that stops moving, all you’ll require is a new nub. Position the nub onto your broken piece in its intended location – then proceed with gluing it securely in place!

Don’t fret if one of these hacks doesn’t suit your needs. The possibilities are endless when it comes to remaking a mouse; there’s no shortage of DIY solutions available at your disposal!

5. Place the Nubs Together

If the nubs aren’t aligned, try placing them together to fix any issues. Just perform the same steps we described above and use your fingers or tweezers to place the nubs in position – if this doesn’t work then it’s time for more advanced solutions!

Gently bend the plastic prongs inward, coaxing the mouse into place with gentle pressure. If you choose to employ needle-nosed pliers or any other tool to assist in achieving a snug fit – be mindful of potential hazards such as heat damage!

6. Re-assemble the Screws to Hold the Nubs in Place

If the nub removal was arduous, then reassembling the screws for repair may prove equally challenging. Don’t fret – it’s a simple task that can be accomplished with ease!

Begin by locating an appropriately-sized screwdriver as well as one Phillips and one flathead screwdriver; use them to dismantle any of the screws that were previously affixed to your mouse.

Now that all of the secondary components have been removed from your mouse, you should observe the two gold rings that are situated on either side of the center post. These curlicues will eventually become your guide when reassembling the screw into its rightful hole – simply place the other end of each screw through its openings before sliding it back into place!

When you’re satisfied with your efforts, gently reposition any stray metal bits until everything fits snugly within your casing again.

7. Replace the Screws

If your screws are loose or damaged, simply replace them with new ones and plug them back up.

To conclude our mouse troubleshooting guide, we’ll look at both known causes as well as remedies for these common problems that arise.

8. Test Your Mouse

Inserting a Q-tip on a streak of toothpaste, or applying shaving cream or petroleum jelly can provide an effective remedy for cleaning out debris from inside your mouse’s enclosure.

If the problem persists despite all of these efforts, then it is time to open up your computer and have a look at its inner workings. Make sure that no obstructions are preventing wireless signals from traveling between your mouse and computer; if this is the case then you may need to invest in one of those USB dongles like the Microsoft IntelliPoint – which provides enhanced connectivity and compatibility while allowing data to flow seamlessly between devices.


Don’t fret over your malfunctioning mouse; we here at MouseMate offer a speedy solution!

Our team is dedicated to extending the life of your mouse and ensuring that it remains in optimal condition. If you require assistance with the device or simply desire to learn more about how it functions, don’t hesitate to contact us! We will be glad to assist in any way we can and provide ample information on mouse design and its functionality so that users can remain informed on this essential piece of hardware.

We are passionate about mice, which is why we’ve devoted ourselves to creating an unparalleled one! If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us – we’re always delighted to assist our patrons.

What’s your preferred method for maintaining a functional mouse? We’d love to hear from you; let us know in the comments section below!