Unlock Maximum Gaming Performance: The Secret to Connecting Your Pin PSU to Pin GPU!

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You are currently viewing Unlock Maximum Gaming Performance: The Secret to Connecting Your Pin PSU to Pin GPU!

Connecting a 6-pin PSU to an 8-pin GPU can yield exceptional gains in gaming performance, allowing you to enjoy your favorite titles at their full potential.

The key to unlocking the full potential of your setup is by connecting both the PSU and GPU into one single cable – a connection known as Pin-Mate!

Pin-Mate is a revolutionary product that enables users to connect up to six peripheral power supplies to one graphics card with utmost convenience. It’s designed for gamers who seek enhanced gameplay beyond what is normally experienced!

How to Connect a 6-Pin PSU to an 8-Pin GPU

Have you ever encountered an issue with your PSU, GPU, or even just an adapter? Be sure to consult this article before considering a replacement!

  • First, identify the pin configuration of your PSU.
  • If it’s a traditional 6-pin connector, then insert a 6-pin cable into the hole on the PSU and utilize the other six pins accordingly.
  • Then plug in the adapter between your motherboard and GPU. If the plug is compatible with that particular device – such as this one from EVGA – then all should be well!

1. Determine if You Have a 6-Pin or 8-Pin PCIe Power Connector

Have you ever come upon an article on Reddit or elsewhere that discusses the compatibility of a particular power supply unit (PSU) with one’s graphics card? If so, chances are it will mention whether or not the PSU employs a 6-pin or 8-pin PCIe power connector.

If you are unfamiliar with these terms, they refer to specific electrical connectors used by GPUs. Both types supply sufficient power for two-way communication between the motherboard and GPU; however, there is a difference between them in regard to connectivity!

6-Pin Power Connector – this standard arrangement places all of its pins along one side of its body – corresponding more closely to another term: “one row” of pins. This type of power connection can be found on most modern chassis and components such as graphics cards and motherboards alike. This standard design ensures that users won’t have any issues while utilizing their PC; it is also highly acclaimed due to its efficiency when compared to other setups!

2. Check Cable Length If You Have an Inadequate Cable Length

The cable typically provides power from the PSU to the card. If the cable is too short, performance may be compromised due to insufficient distance between the two connectors; however, it does not necessarily mean that an inadequate length implies a faulty connection!

Whenever you encounter this problem, simply crimp a new connector onto the end of your cord and reconnect everything. This can help remedy connectivity issues that are normally caused by insufficient cable length or improper plugging in of components into their respective slots.

3. Modify Your PCI Express Cables if You Have an Incorrect Length

If your GPU’s power connector is a little too big for your PSU, don’t fret! For example, if there is an 8-pin GPU but you have a 6-pin PSU, it’s still possible to achieve precise wattage levels even if you go up against the wall with your cables. However, you will need to modify them in order to attain high voltage requirements.

Upgrade and customize your cables’ lengths and gauge to fit your needs. If you purchase 10 feet of cable – for instance – be sure that this length meets or exceeds the requirement for maximum amperage without exceeding any safety thresholds (like 14V maximum). Lastly – keep an eye on what kind of connector ends are on offer from your PSU; ensure they match up with those on the 5-6pin GPU brackets and connectors!

4. Find a Pinout for Your PSU and GPU

Even if you’ve determined the compatibility between a PSU and GPU, it may not be able to generate sufficient power. In this case, what’s required is an adapter cable that supplies additional power to the system without affecting its operation speed or performance. To discover more about which adapter cable would be ideal for your rig, consult our article on choosing an appropriate power supply unit!

Ensure you are operating with a reputable manufacturer by ensuring the label on any third-party accessories indicates their manufacture. For example:

5. Install the Correct Molex

If you’re employing an 8-pin or 6-pin connector on your PSU, it is necessary to ensure that your RAM cards’ connectors are accordingly rated. We must be mindful of the fact that GPUs require a minimum standard of power supply in order for them to operate at peak potential levels.

If you fail to match your PSU with its matching ram card, it may result in a substandard compatibility experience which may slow down performance and cause disconnection issues when connecting and disconnecting components from their respective slots.

The optimal configuration calls for using the standard 6-pin, PCIe power connector, and PCIe 6-pin slot – all while guaranteeing the best compatibility!


If you’re using an SSD or an HDD as your boot drive, then you may need to connect your SATA cable. This will ensure that data transfer between the HDD and its SATA interface is optimized.

The majority of PC cases have only one or two SATA ports; if they don’t have any then it’s best to create one by connecting both ends of the cable into those available slots. To save yourself the hassle later on when upgrading the graphics card in your system – which can happen! – it may be prudent to utilize multi-GPU setups for maximum performance.

and Other Power Cables for Your System

If you’re looking to upgrade your video card, consider investing in a power supply with more than one Molex connector. This will enable you to connect more devices into one chassis instead of creating multiple power cables for each component – ultimately saving space and money!

Power supplies are typically rated for wattage output, but some may also provide information about the maximum number of devices that can be connected with its multi-plug configuration. If your computer’s power supply has such a feature, we recommend using it; if not – don’t sweat it! The most important thing is ensuring that enough electrical outlets are available at all times!

6. Get Proper Gaps Between PCI Express Slots on Graphics Cards

Don’t forget to account for proper PCI-E slot gaps when decking out your rig. Ensure they’re adequately large enough to accommodate the PSU’s connector.

Ensure that all slots are within specifications by reviewing or consulting the card’s manual prior to installation; users’ dimensions will vary across models so consult before making any final decisions!


Gain an advantage over your opponents by connecting your PC6/P8 Pins to your GPU8/PC1! This guide will provide all the knowledge necessary for making that connection.